Wallace Financial Services
Empower for our free future.
About My Self
My name is Wallace, I am the founder of Wallace Financial Services LTD.
I came from China, resided in Regina, SK since 2014. I finished my degree in Engineering and Applied Science in 2018 and moved to Calgary in 2020.
In the past 9 years, I gradually realized that how important investment is to me. The power of componding will really makes a difference in ones life. I have also seen people struggle with their personal finance and could not find a solution.
The reason of making Wallace Financial Services LTD. was that I am looking to help more people like me who does not have any financial knowledge to establish a clare plan of what they should do to achieve their financial goal. Become an evangelist of Financial Literacy.
Until today, I have helped numberless of individuals to established their financial plan, solve their tax issues, make correct investment decisions and more.
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Contact Information
Office: 920-5940 Macleod Trail NW (Appintment only)
Cell: (403) 888-0796
Email: wallacefinancialservice@gmail.com
wechat: wlh1063460719
fax: (780) 250-6989